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Figure 3 | Microbiome

Figure 3

From: Characterization of the vaginal microbiota of healthy Canadian women through the menstrual cycle

Figure 3

Vaginal microbiome profiles over the menstrual phase. Data are presented as proportion of the total sequence reads obtained for each sample, with the height of the ordinate corresponding to 100%. Sampling times are indicated with vertical broken lines, and menstrual-cycle phase for each sample is indicated on the abscissa (M, menstrual; F, follicular; P, periovulatory, L-I, luteal I; L-II, luteal II, as defined in the text). Profiles are arranged to reflect women with relatively stable microbiomes (<25% change) (A), profiles consisting of the same organisms, but the proportions of these organisms fluctuated by >25% over time (B), profiles that had dramatic changes over the sampling time (C), and profiles with a mixture of changing proportions and introduction of new organisms (D). Sample identification numbers appear in the upper left corner for each individual. The legend includes nearest-neighbor "species" that account for at least 10% of the sequence reads in at least one sample.

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