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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Improved OTU-picking using long-read 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and generic hierarchical clustering

Fig. 5

OTU profiles of the samples and phylogenetic analysis of Blautia. a Heat map of OTU profiles (y-axis) inferred from PacBio CCS reads at sequence similarity 3 % using oclust PW. The x-axis shows 40 human gut microbiome samples. Only the 30 most abundant OTUs are shown. For each sample, the number of reads per OTU was normalized by total number of reads from the sample. The normalized abundances were then further centered and scaled per sample to have mean zero and standard deviation one. The suffix of the sample label specifies the gut sub-location where the sample was taken from (TI = terminal ileum, RC = right colon, LC = left colon). The asterisk denoted OTUs matching sub-OTUs in Fig. 4c. b Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of representative sequences from Blautia OTUs. Scale bar on the top right corner indicates number of substitutions per site. Node support values >50 are shown. Blautia OTUs are indicated in red tip labels. Black tip labels represent sequences from GenBank, and the associated taxonomy information is shown if available. Taxonomic name/accession numbers are shown at the tips, and numbers in parenthesis refer to number of samples the OTU is present in. 16S rRNA sequences were aligned with clustalw2 (40), and the tree was inferred using RAxML with the GTRGAMMA nucleotide substitution model and 1000 bootstrap replicates. The full tree is shown in Additional file 8

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