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Fig. 4 | Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Disruption of the microbiota across multiple body sites in critically ill children

Fig. 4

Temporal changes in the site-specific microbiota of PICU patients. a Temporal changes in the median Shannon diversity index of study subjects followed longitudinally during their PICU admission. All p values <0.05. b Temporal changes in relative abundance of most abundant taxa in PICU patients. With time in the ICU, dominant taxa become more prevalent at each body site. All p values <0.05. c Temporal and spatial variation of the microbiota in a single individual. Shown here are microbial profiles for a 2-year-old chronically ill child with enterococcal sepsis. With time and antibiotics, the dysbiosis seen on admission resolves. The enterococcal populations at all three body sites nearly disappear, and the skin and oral communities also adopt configurations more typical of healthy individuals (e.g., Staphylococcus on the skin and Streptococcus and Neisseria in the mouth)

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