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Fig. 4 | Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Recent urbanization in China is correlated with a Westernized microbiome encoding increased virulence and antibiotic resistance genes

Fig. 4

Viruses and Archaea are less abundant in the urban Chinese microbiome while Bacteria are more abundant. a–g PCoA plot and comparison of Shannon diversity index for each taxonomic level, based on whole genome sequencing. Blue points indicate rural subjects while red points indicate urban subjects. Numbers in parentheses on the PCoA axes indicate the percent variation explained by that axis. h P values comparing the position on the first PCoA axis (solid line) or Shannon diversity (dashed line) of urban and rural subjects. The gray region indicates significant P values (p < 0.05). i Comparison of the logged relative abundance of each domain detected using whole genome sequencing. An asterisk (*) in i indicates a Benjamini-Hochberg-adjusted P value of less than 0.05

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