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Fig. 6 | Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Specific and conserved patterns of microbiota-structuring by maize benzoxazinoids in the field

Fig. 6

Taxonomic pattern of BX-sensitive root microbes. The barplots depict the mean relative abundances (in %) for each location and taxonomies of all root bOTUs (upper panels) and root fOTUs (lower panels) that differed significantly in abundance between wild-type (WT) and bx1 mutant lines (i.e. the BX-sensitive b/fOTUs as determined by edgeR analysis, FDR < 0.05, Table S14). The BX-enriched (left panels) and BX-depleted taxa (right panels) correspond to the same yellow (enriched in WT) and green (enriched in bx1) b/fOTUs of Fig. 5a, respectively. Individual b/fOTUs are displayed in a stacked manner sorted by their taxonomic assignment at family level. The Venn diagram insets compare the family assignments of the BX-sensitive taxa between the locations Changins (yellow), Aurora (blue) and Reckenholz (red). Overlapping family assignments are indicated with asterisks in the plot and marked in the taxonomy legend; b visualizes the proportion of assignments to ‘plant pathogen’ among the FUNGuild annotations. The sets of BX-enriched and BX-depleted root fOTUs from each location were annotated individually to their ecological guilds. c Abundance of bOTUs belonging to the class Bacteroidetes displayed versus the abundance of potential pathogenic fungi in the roots. ANCOVA on these variables with locations as covariate was performed, and p value and r2 are displayed

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