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Fig. 4 | Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Unraveling the interplay between root exudates, microbiota, and rhizosheath formation in pearl millet

Fig. 4

Deciphering microbiota-metabolite interactions in pearl millet “PM” lines: a co-inertia analysis (CIA) approach. CIA revealing the relationship between microbiota and metabolites in pearl millet “PM” lines. A and C 3D plots depicting the CIA of metabarcoding (represented by circular markers) and metabonomics (represented by square markers) data sets in the root and RAS compartments of the four PM lines (L200 in green, L3 in orange, L253 in purple, and L132 in blue). The lines connect the position of samples in the metabarcoding dataset with the corresponding position in the metabonomics dataset. B and D 3D plots illustrating the CIA of microbial OTUs (represented by purple markers) and the detected metabolites in the root and RAS compartments. The molecular formula of the metabolites is indicated by color-coding (CHO in red, CHNO in blue, and CHOS in green). CIA analysis, performed using R software

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