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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Integrated analysis of gut metabolome, microbiome, and exfoliome data in an equine model of intestinal injury

Fig. 5

The equine exfoliome is altered by phenylbutazone administration. A PCA plot based on gene expression in the equine exfoliome after 9 days of phenylbutazone administration (NSAID) or placebo (control). Ellipses represent 95% CI around the group mean points. Point size indicates quality of representation (cos2) of individuals on the PCA; larger point size reflects higher quality representation. B Smear plot of the fold differences in exfoliome gene expression between NSAID and control horses. Red dots represent genes with greater than 2-fold difference between the groups. Yellow smear on the left of the graph represents genes with zero or very low counts in one group but not the other. C Heat map showing the distribution among the samples of the 50 most discriminative genes selected by MV-SIS. Values are scaled around zero as indicated by the key. MGSDA-selected metabolites are shown in red text. B Bar chart indicating the magnitude of the loadings of MGSDA-selected metabolites. The misclassification rate (MCR) is indicated by the number at the top of each bar(s)

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